Thursday 7 July 2011

The Past Days

Olsen Banden

I've been absent for the past days, and it was quite nice to get out. Sunday eve I traveled for an hour to a friend. We went to a fireplace where some of her friends were, plus her twinbrother. It was quite cozy.

We then took the train next day, to our friend from school. There I was until Wednesday - we went out swimming the first day, and got some sort of tortillias for dinner, and watched Prince of Percia at night-time. Thought I was going to pass out (didn't get much sleep the last night, because, apparently, there drives big mother-ass trucks next to my friend's house), but I didn't! :D The movie was awesome. Only heard about it before as a video-game though. 

Second day we went out in town, enjoyed the sun, thinking about the bad choice I made with taking large pants on... bought some nail polishing, 3 Tintin movies - love Tintin, one of my favourite cartoons from my childhood, and still is. Tintin, Simbad Søfaren (danish name) and Duck Tales are my top favourite. The new ones stinks.
When it was eve, we went to watch a movie in the cinema, Bad Teacher. Never heard of it before, but it was fun, and we had a good time. At night we watched a movie my friend bought yesterday, Chocolat, with Johnny Depp love|love|looove. It was a great, not typical, movie, which is much recommended. Watch it. 

The next day, was going home day. I got a shower, we had some food, packed our stuff (or  well, I packed my stuff, my friend had barely unpacked... typical for her), and we drove away, to my friend's dad's house. (their parents are separated) We dropped off our stuff, and got in town to buy something I couldn't get yesterday, which I of course forgot to take with me, when I was going home. What a tard I am! I barely forget stuff, so call me bigtard. Oh well, she's sending it to me. :-) 

It went good on my trip home. Had to catch 2 trains, the first one I only had to sit in for 16 minutes. That train was lovely. The other one wasn't as good as the first, but still really nice. I read some Harry Potter, listened to some music, and bam, I was home. Traveled  almost across whole Jutland! Took almost 4 hours. 

My room is now a mess. Clothes on my desk, and on the floor - not in the closet. Stuff like bags and bodyshampoo is lying around, also a couple of DVD's. Need to tidy up soon. 

Tomorrow I'll have to pack again, too! You should think I would get over with this packing and unpacking, since I've finished Boarding School. But oh no - arr, can't complain, gonna spend a nice week in sunny SPAIN! :-) 

As you should know, I'm a great Harry Potter fan. I'd love it if it would all be real, the world of Harry Potter is just so creative, so magical, such a blast. Tonight it is the premiere for the last film - and I am of course following it live, do so too? It's cool to see all the stars, and all the nice fans!

Was out running today again. It was tough... but you know, I have to do this! (It was also pretty hot today... plus, a lizard entered our home. Also saw one out running.) 



  1. man sounds like you had a movie time :o)

    that lizard is awesome :)

    did you notice in the picture of the cupcakes, how the center is white with natural light and all the light bulbs are yellowish... those are fun things to play with also, the different light "temperatures"... depending on the bulb or light source, the camera has to adjust the exposure, so you can get some cool effects with natural light and a regular old lightbulb, if you can find them anymore ;)

    enjoying the pictures so far :p reminds me a lot of when i used to walk around with my camera all the time when i was 15 :p

  2. i really like the different perspectives you're using for your pics. the one with the lizard, i can picture you lying on the ground, getting that shot. :P

    the picture of the picture of a drink had me sort of craving for something similar. you really shouldn't take shots of food, mugs, you make them look soooo appetizing.

    i'm glad you had a great time visiting your friend. and yep, johnny depp *swoon*. i really liked him in that movie chocolat. so offbeat but really entertaining. i saw it when it was out in the theaters.

    spain! wow! that's wonderful. take lots of photos (like i have to remind you. :P ) take care, mugs, and a safe trip to you. :)

  3. Thanks :) me and my brother, mostly my brother though, tried our best to get that sneaky lizard out of the house (without loosing it's tail too!), and luckily, it just sat still outside the door, so I went to get my camera. Love to zoom in on the details.

    Didn't notice that with the light, Brian. Not too familiar with such settings, but I am working on it.

    What do you mean by I shouldn't take shots of food? I don't think I did. It's just a painting with a Coca Cola glass in front of it, and the cupcakes are fake (if you were talking about that).

    Thank you for your kind words... :)
