Sunday 17 July 2011

Denmark again

This are some of the many pictures from Spain. It was a lovely place, very sunny and hot. It was the same kind of hotel we have always been staying at, when on such holidays in the sun. The food was delicious, the warmth great, the pool nice for a cool-down, and then the show which was during the evenings, was usually wonderful. We didn't do much else than that - we played some games, read books (Harry Potter myself, of course!), and just relaxed, enjoying a moment away from all the cyber age we're in, with the crazy, new developed electronic. A week goes by quick, and we all had a good time. 

Now, there's not much been going on today. Relaxing with checking up on Facebook, and watching Ugly Betty. Was a bit tired today. 

Dinners' soon ready, and afterwards we're gonna rent the first part of the Harry Potter 7 - it doesn't cost that much on demand! We watched it on my birthday, but would like to watch it again, before we go to the cinema to watch the last and final one. Probably going to do that tomorrow, then! Can't wait! 
and then we might go to circus, because they're comming to town - and finally, we are not on holiday when they are! 



  1. again, some very nice shots there :o)
    i like how you are using the foreground close ups with the background blurry. it works really well in the picture of the cigarette butt in the sand, the one from on the ground makes it look like there is a person in the background walking and a small mountain of sand :p

    and again, the color of the lights is slightly yellow, it works really well against the dark blue background sky. if those bulbs were the new style of lightbulb (energy saving) the light would be more of a blue not yellow... try playing with taking shots like that at night and see what kind of colors you can get with the lights, another fun thing, if you have a flash on your camera, manually leave the shutter open for a half second and use the flash... you will get cool streaks of colors and when the flash goes off you get a sharp picture of your subject :p

    coca cola lite? is that like diet coke?

    keep up the great work! hope you enjoy the Potter :o)

  2. Thanks B :)

    The blurry-ness in the background and the sharpness in front, it often does that automatically on a specific program (close-up).

    I'll try do that with the light at the evening, that sounds appealing to me. The other night at Spain, I tried to take a good photo of the moon, leaving light in the water. It was hard, because I had to adjust a ton of settings, which I am not that handy with yet, but the result was - well, ok :b still, I haven't read in my book about my camera yet... not really, since I've got it.

    Coca Cola Light?! Never heard of that? What! It's what we drink. Pepsi/coke stinks... but yes, it's sort of a diet coke, light means no sugar. Be happy I knew what you meant with diet, because on the plane, I got a diet coke for the very first time. Never heard of them before. It tasted better than a normal coke.

  3. Gross!!! Diet coke is nasty!!! Wish we had coke lite here:(

    Yeah play with the settings. That's the best way to learn... By doing and you have a little screen you can see instantly how it works :) why... Back in my day... We had to develop film to see if the pictures turned out ;)
    If you want a good picture of the moon, use a tripod. ;0)

    Try painting with light ;) leave the shutter open and move light around in the picture.

  4. i really admire how you take oftentimes every day objects and images and turn them into something really beautiful/interesting to look at... the condensation on the can of coke light, the fragile spider web. i think a lot of your talent is spotting the ordinary objects in life and making them extraordinary through your shots. :) wonderful pics, mugs. i think you're a natural at this.

  5. You have no Coke Light? Nothing Cola Light, then? If not... shit

    I'll try B.. just seems like time flies by, and that summer is already halfway through.. damn.

    Thanks a lot atom! I love to take photos of what is reachable, and do close-ups, and play a tad around with it... thanks for your nice words, means a lot. Wish more people would see it, and tell me if they like it, if this is worth something!

  6. no light soda's at all that i am aware of.... not in the USA at least ;o)
    everything is regular or diet... and some are "zero" meaning no calories...

    yeah summer flies... just have fun with it, as nirvana said, you are a natural :o)

  7. Weird, no light... we have diet coke, coca cola light & zero + minus too (means zero)
