Sunday 31 July 2011

Sand Sculpture Festival

Spontaneously, we went on a little trip, down the road in Denmark. First stop was this!
- remember, you can click on the photos, then they'll open up bigger :) 

Look at those cracks! Excellent details, don't you think?

Love this radio! 

Also a few non-sand sculptures - I liked this one, cute, bit weird.

I like that you can't really see his face - the face is sort of on his shield, as a lion, which is what makes this cool for me. 

Seriously, crazy face. Zoom in on this one.

The clumsy one, which has a big heart. Another gladiator that doesn't want to fight.

The fallen one, the looser. It looks like he is getting on with being one with the ground.

This was pretty neat - very fascinating that they have done this, with only water and sand. The details are amazing, very impressing, and I just wanted to touch the sand so badly, because you felt in doubt if this was real. 

I was so glad that the weather turned out so great. When we left home, it was all cloudy, although hot. I did my best on these photos, but you don't have that many choices of angles, when you can't go close to them. I could get some different angles, but it isn't anything extreme. 


Sunday 24 July 2011

Being creative

This shall just be a little post, as I have just made a large post - but I wanted to share this with you, too. 

I love this jewelry!

This painting for nails is just really cool - it cracks. On the other hand, I have a blue colour underneath instead of red. Those are my favorite colours. 

Belts I never use... oops

I like listening to radio every once in a while

Got this from my mom after a wedding she had been to.
So, I cooked this poster up today. Had been out buying some stuff the other day, and figured I'd do something creative - so I printed out some photos, chose this, and did this and that, and bam. I think it looks... sweet. 

Been thinking about making that box for a looong time - it's a box for shoes. I bought it a while ago, before I quit school. Was using them at the gala at school. And now, I have a cute box to put all my mess in! (My room turns messy in 2 minutes these days... I have sooo many things!) 

+ I expanded my running trip, and I ran it yesterday, and it went pretty good!! So proud of myself for running, I had fun. Glad I am actually exercising for once... but something went wrong, when I had almost reach home - it hit me in the back, a muscle or something did something bad, so it hurt. I couldn't really run, then. I couldn't bend over, be in some positions, without it stinging crazy... I took a hot bath, some pills, had a good night of sleep, but it still stings, at my back feels stiff like never before, but it is a little better. Hopefully it'll leave me soon!


Circus Dannebrog

Circus. What a wonderful name, for something so charming. People gathered from different countries, who have practiced so hard, and have faced the difficulty of life, join together to travel through little Denmark over a summer. Charming, it really is. 

The traditional clown - denied by the leader, approved by the audience. Sang very good, and his playing on the trumpet was really, really lovely listening to. Did a lot of clumsy stuff, mostly enjoyable by the little ones - but also nice enough for us that aren't little kiddos. He was cute enough!

The elephant was also with them at times. 
All the animals - together! Now that was really something, very funny to see them. They seemed happy. It's incredible what they can teach them to do. The funniest must've been a lama jumping on two legs!

What's this thingy?

This part really was the best! 

All this happened pretty high up - damn, it was cool!!

There were also acrobatics in the air, on the ground, dancers, music, a guy spinning footballs on his fingers while moving around, a guy throwing small, white balls, at some drums, creating music - and a bit more. Fabulous. Love that they come to our little town every summer. I remember watching it when I was little once, but not sure if I have seen their show twice - well, now I have, at least. I can tell it is more modern, with all the music. 

It wasn't easy to shoot good photos - actually, most of them are snapshotted, as they were moving, I wasn't the close to the stage. So I took over 300 photos. Sheesh. Spend hours sorting a lot of photos tonight, so this'll be the best you get. I tried my best for setting up my camera right, played around with it a half hour before show started - but still, it was hard for them to turn out good, because their were smoke in the air. That's why they are a bit corny. 

Fact: 'Dannebrog' is the name of the danish flag. 


Friday 22 July 2011


Suddenly, when 2 good friends bump into your house, you feel taken away - oh yeas, time just sped away. We went to the beach, got an ice cream, talked, took photos, and planned a quick get-together with all the peeps we could get from our old class. 

Nice when you was home, feeling bored. But still, I have loads to do, just didn't wanted to do it! Room's a bit more tidied up, I've been shopping a few things for school, and some creative things for small projects. Also got some wellness stuff, 2 piece of clothes on mum's bill - happy face. 

Now, it's not entirely good weather here right now, but wedensday was nice, so took mum's advice and went a little trip around the block to shoot photos of flowers and other stuff - so here's a few photos. 

'Hyggesokker' - really lovely when my feet are cold <3

I personally love the small curly shapes it sticks out. 

Love to zoom in on the details, give it a shot - click it!

What's for dinner?

Bubbly, green.. gross?!

Helped mother with paella, tasted reaaaally good *yumyum* 
+ Had a fab running trip yesterday, with no breaks!!!
