Sunday 28 August 2011

3 years has begun

It is raining and thundering outside, and my internet keeps falling out. But just right now, life feels like Christmas. See - no homework, I have weekend, waffles, no trips outside, just inside cozy-ness with my brother, mom and dad - plus, my grandparents from Norway! They came here Friday night, and are going home again tomorrow. It's nice to see them again, certainly. 

Too many things have been happening since start of school. Everything has been going so fast, these two past weeks where I have been idle from you. I feel mini out there - I'm now in the big, serious league. Over 700 students (I believe), and they are 17+ - most of them, at least. Then there's that very, very little handful, which are 15. There is where I am categorized. 

They have teased us since day one. The school had been turned into a very big jungle, where I had to get through tons of obstacles - walking, walking under, walking over... and being stamped on the cheeks, with the word 'puppe'. That is danish - they call all the new 1st g's that. Pubbe is like when animals have not yet hatched. See the sense?  
When we finally had gotten through the jungle, they yelled songs including puppe, and made us sit up, down, up, down - for quite a while, really. So many people. Every time we go to class just one minute before is starts, all 2nd and 3rd g's start clapping. It's getting boring now, though. Don't understand why the carry on! 

I have tons of books already. I love the school, yes. It's just weird, everything, and now it has become exhausting. It has now taken from stage 1 (everything's new and exciting! Energy is pulsing through me!) to stage 2 - everyday-life-like. Almost. I get up at 6, drive with my mom, brother and friends from class to school at 7, and then I get home at either 15 or 16. It's very different from what I am used to. See, last year I spent at boarding school, so there was no travelling, and I was with them almost 24/7. I hope you can imagine what I need to let myself adapt to, once again. Another way of life. 
Making friends are tough. All I've done is almost just smalltalk. We've been on intro-tour as well, that was... well, it was okay. I was very tired, so yet again, hard to make friends. The best moment was sitting with the creative class, where one of the guys were playing guitar - everyone sang, and it was getting dark. I'm Yours by Jason Mraz sounded so nice. 

I don't want to talk much more, really. Just a little more - I've scored myself a low-pay job! I'm your new newspaper girl, 2 times a-week. I'm not gonna work much, and the pay is pretty low, but it is still money. Some people doesn't seem to get that fact. I can't take a better job either, since I need to have enough time for myself and homework. I've never had a job before, so this is nice. I'm starting 10th september. Now I only need to sign some papers. :- )

Now, some photos. I'm glad I've been able to shoot some satisfying photos. It's from thursday to today. Tell me what you think! 

My brother made this at a festival.


1 comment:

  1. dang it!!! i just typed a bunch of stuff and had a problem signing in to post it and i lost it all :o(

    the older kids always pick on the new kids, it shouldn't last much longer, ;o) its just the way things go... ;o)

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! on the job, it is experience and a future employer will see that you are able to accept responsibility :o) its a good start, and it IS money :o)

    i like that you are trying out more black and white photography. i really like the one with the blue candle holders, i like the angle and composition.... they are done really well. :o)

    i hope things get better for you and you meet lots of great new friends. ;o) its always odd when you are the youngest in a new place ;o)
